圖一: 台泥被信評公司Fitch評為BBB之投資等級
台泥DAKA位於花蓮最北邊的和平村,有亞洲唯一的港電廠三合一循環,兼具傳達生態循環知識與休憩的功能。DAKA 是太魯閣族語裡「瞭望」之意。 經濟園區包括台泥和平廠、和平電力、和平港,互相利用彼此的廢料作為原料與燃料,成為循環經濟的示範基地。國際港級別的和平港在2019、2021年連續獲得歐盟生態港認證。
圖二: 位於花蓮北端的和平生態工業港
在金融運作上,台泥的綠色永續融資金額逐年增高,目前綠色融資額度佔企業團整體融資額度比例30%以上。2021年至今,台泥企業團透過銀行融資及國際 資本市場募集資金,如發行海外可轉換公司債及海外存託憑證分別挹注子公司台泥循環能源科技台幣220億,用於新建廠房設備生產高動力三元鋰電池;挹注台泥綠能台幣155億,投入於太陽能及在岸風電等再生能源案場;挹注台泥儲能台幣25億發展儲能業務[2]。
圖三: 台泥的ESG報告書有大量淨零碳排的關鍵字
圖四、五: 台泥的珊瑚培育計畫復育近300株珊瑚
圖六: 台泥終極關懷: 為生命服務
Taiwan Cement’s path to emission reduction: analyzing targets and achievements[4]
GlobalData offers a comprehensive analysis of Taiwan Cement, providing key insights into its Environmental, Social, and Governance(ESG) factors. By closely monitoring and aggregating mentions of climate change and associated ESG keywords, GlobalData delivers valuable information on Taiwan Cement‘s ESG performance. GlobalData’s company profile on Taiwan Cement offers a 360-degree view of the company, SWOT analysis, key financials, and business strategy including insights on ESG implementation among other information.
Taiwan Cement, a leading cement manufacturer, has set targets as part of its sustainability efforts for achieving net-zero by 2050. The company is committed to reducing its carbon emissions and achieving specific goals related to scope 1, scope 2, and scope 1+2 emissions. In 2022, Taiwan Cement reported greenhouse gas emissions measured in metric tons of CO2e across different scopes. For Scope 1, the emissions totaled 4,314,312 metric tons of CO2e, while Scope 2 emissions amounted to 218,480 metric tons of CO2e. The combined emissions for Scope 1+2 stood at 4,532,792 metric tons of CO2e while the carbon emission intensity of cement plants, considering Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions, decreased by 5.40% compared to the base year of 2016. The total emissions from Ready-Mix Concrete (RMC) plants, encompassing both Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions, also decreased by 13.70% relative to the base year of 2020.By 2025, Taiwan Cement plans to reduce carbon emission intensity by 11% in Scope 1 and by 32% in Scope 2. Looking ahead to 2030, their objectives include establishing a Low-carbon Research and Development (R&D) Center and achieving net-zero emissions at their Headquarters and Offices through operational means. The carbon emissions and GHG emissions are measured in terms of gross emissions, net emissions, specific CO2 emissions (gross and net), and emission intensity per unit. The trend for emissions across all three scopes of emissions showed a decrease from FY2021 to FY2022, indicating the company's efforts to reduce its environmental impact.TTCC Group aligns with SBTs and GCCA, launching a Net Zero by 2050 Roadmap focused on "Low-carbon Cement," "Resource Recycling," and "Green Energy." Leveraging seven strategies, including carbon reduction in materials and AI-based tracking, TCC aims to guide carbon reduction across its entities using innovative technologies. Taiwan Cement is actively reducing emissions through investments in renewable energy, low-carbon materials, and resource recycling, alongside sustainable governance initiatives. The company prioritizes biodiversity enhancement, societal inclusivity, and sets specific climate-related targets, tracking progress using measurable metrics.In conclusion, Taiwan Cement is committed to achieving net-zero target by 2050 and reducing its carbon and GHG emissions. The company has implemented various measures and investments to reduce its environmental impact and promote sustainability. The excerpts provide data on the company's emissions trends and highlight its efforts to address climate-related risks and opportunities.
[1] 資料來源https://www.fitchratings.com/research/corporate-finance/fitch-assigns-taiwan-cement-first-time-bbb-idr-outlook-stable-13-12-2023
[2] 資料來源: 《台灣水泥2022年永續報告書》 https://media.taiwancement.com/web_tcc/tw/report/csr/report_2022_all.pdf
[3] 資料來源: https://www.worldconstructionnetwork.com/data-insights/taiwan-cement-net-zero-targets/?cf-view
[4] 資料來源: https://www.worldconstructionnetwork.com/data-insights/taiwan-cement-net-zero-targets/?cf-view obtained 2024-03-05.