





根據2020年調查報告顯示,蒙古地區有76%的國土沙漠化,首都烏蘭巴托市是全國約九成人口的居住地,但整個城市綠地不到5%,空氣汙染情況尤為嚴重。在此同時,蒙古的經濟穩定成長,中產階級興起,專注於經濟活動、汽車數量暴增,而相對忽略了此都市發展對生活環境所帶來的隱憂。在IQAir AirVisual於2020的報導中,蒙古的烏蘭巴托是全球汙染最嚴重的首都(如圖一)[1]。其PM2.5在平均溫度約零下25度、負擔不起暖氣的民眾燒煤炭取暖的冬天更往往超標5到7倍(如圖二)[2]。為了減緩沙漠化、氣候危機、都市空汙,政府計劃在2030年前種植十億棵樹,並承諾每年將約1%GDP用於保護生態環境。「十億棵樹計劃」目的是為了應對全球暖化,具體目標為沙漠化的面積減少4.0%,樹木吸收二氧化碳增加11.0%,森林面積擴大。此外,還能加速綠色復甦、增加藥材種植、創造就業機會、對糧食供應產生積極影響、確保生態系統穩定,以保護人類賴以生存的地球。



圖一: 首都烏蘭巴托在2020年是汙染最嚴重的首都

圖二: 蒙古的PM2.5在冬天超標5-7倍以上




Action Plans to Plant “One Billion Trees” Approved[3]

Ulaanbaatar, March 15, 2023 /MONTSAME/.  

 The National Climate Committee, led by Deputy Prime Minister of Mongolia S. Amarsaikhan convened on March 14.  The committee was newly established by resolution No.350 of the Government of Mongolia, dated September 9, 2022.

At the meeting the National Climate Committee discussed and approved the strategic and action plans for implementing the "One Billion Trees" national campaign in 2022-2030 and the action plan of the National Committee in 2023. 

For the purpose of counteracting global warming, mitigating climate change, reducing desertification and land degradation, and ensuring ecosystem stability, President of Mongolia Ukhnaagiin Khurelsukh issued Decree No. 58 on October 4, 2021, and launched the "One Billion Trees" national campaign.

In the strategic and action plans for implementing the “One Billion Tree” national campaign, 27 actions and 154 measures are planned to be implemented. Through over one billion trees plantation in the country by 2030 it is expected that the area affected by desertification and land degradation to be reduced by 4.0 percent, and carbon dioxide absorption by the tree to be increased by 11.0 percent, in addition to expansion of forest area. Furthermore, it is effective in mitigating climate change, accelerating green recovery, increasing the cultivation of herbs, creating jobs, and having a positive impact on the food supply. 

圖一: 蒙古國政府通過「十億棵樹計劃」的計畫

圖二、三: 植樹團隊在Bayanzurkh山區種樹

Mongolia plants 41.5 mln trees since 2021 to curb desertification[4]

Source: Xinhua, Editor: huaxia, 2023-12-15 16:49:15


ULAN BATOR, Dec. 15 (Xinhua) -- Mongolia has planted 41.5 million trees across the country since the launch of its national tree-planting campaign "Billion Trees" in 2021, the country's Minister of Environment and Tourism Bat-Ulzii Bat-Erdene said Friday.

In October 2021, Mongolia launched the nationwide tree-planting campaign as the country's President Ukhnaa Khurelsukh told the United Nations General Assembly that the campaign aims to plant at least a billion trees by 2030 to combat desertification.

Desertification related to climate change has been the main factor behind the increasing frequency of yellow dust storms in Mongolia in recent years, the Ministry of Environment and Tourism said.

Desertification and land degradation have already affected 77 percent of Mongolia's total territory, and 11.89 percent of that is now covered by forests, according to the ministry. ■


圖四、五: 蒙古在2023年底前已種植了約4千萬棵樹,並招募更多專業人士加入



  1. 蒙古山區植樹https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=661318131537736
  2. 政府招募專業人士投入種樹https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1681808505552493


[1] Source: https://www.iqair.com/newsroom/ulaanbaatar-mongolia-worst-air-quality-october-2020, obtained on 2024-02-27


[2] Source: https://www.iqair.com/world-most-polluted-cities?continent=59af92b13e70001c1bd78e53&country=bry9XBeYfnnGSao88&state=&sort=-rank&page=1&perPage=50&cities= obtained on 2024-02-27

[3] Source: https://montsame.mn/en/read/314707 obtained on 2024-02-27

[4] Source: https://english.news.cn/20231215/c060901e5c7041f19d4023eb4f2cadf2/c.html obtained 2024-02-17
