【AI人工智慧講座】AI for Science|講者:馬維英教授 智慧產業研究院首席科學家
- 講座時間:113年11月20日 10:00~11:30
- 講座地點:圖書館1F多功能學習區
- 講座主題:Al for Science
In recent years, rapid advancements in Al-particularly in generative AI and large language models (LLMs) -- have led to significant progress in fields such as natural language processing and computer vision. This success has motivated researchers to leverage AI for scientific discovery and innovation across disciplines like biology, chemistry, energy, and materials science. For instance, generative AI is transforming biology through advancements in molecule generation, drug discovery, and protein design. Additionally, Al's application in designing new chemical compounds and materials has the potential to transform traditional methods, creating a paradigm shift. In this talk, I will present some of recent works from my teams and discuss how Al is poised to shape the future of scientific research and related industries.
- 講者:馬維英教授 Prof. Wei-Ying Ma (智慧產業研究院(AIR)首席科學家/前微軟研究院副院長)
Wei-Ying Ma is a Huiyan Chair Professor at Tsinghua University and the Chief Scientist at the Institute for AI Industry Research (AIR). He is a Fellow of the ACM and the lEEE. Previously, he was a Vice President and Head of the AI Lab at ByteDance, where he led the development of Al-powered content creation and dissemination technologies integrated into products such as Douyin, TikTok, Jinri Toutiao, CapCut, and Lark. Prior to that, he was an Assistant Managing Director at Microsoft Research Asia (MSRA), where he led research groups to develop web search and data ming technologies that were successfully integrated into Microsoft's Bing. From 2021-2023, he served as the Director of Health Computing Research Center with Beijing Academy of Artiticial Intelligence (BAAI). He has co-founded Helixon, a startup aimed at developing next-generation Al for antibody design and protein therapeutics discovery. He served as the general co-chair of the ACM SIGIR in 2011 and the program co-chair of the International Conference on World Wide Web (WWW) in 2008. He has published more than 300 papers (with 63000+ citations) and has been granted with 169 patents. In 2017, he received the Wu Wenjun Artificial Intelligence Science and Technology Award, a prestigious award in China.